women running through wavesSunset on beach with palm treespassportcard

Travel insurance on Tap.

We’re Australia’s only travel insurance with instant funds using the PassportCard

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canstar and mozo awards

Award winning travel insurance

✔ Instant funds Pay for approved common claims such as overseas medical bills with our PassportCard so you’re not out of pocket

✔ 24/7 Customer Support Our 24/7 Australian based team are ready to help you on WhatsApp and phone

✔ Kids travel free They are covered under your policy for no extra costs (T&Cs apply)

✔ Canstar winner We’ve been awarded a 2024 Canstar and 2025 Mozo award for our market leading travel insurance

Compare our covers

When you’re travelling overseas and in Australia, we’ve got the cover that fits your needs. Choose comprehensive for our highest protection or the basic if you just need the essentials.

Comprehensive International

Our highest level of protection for your overseas travels.


What’s included

✔ Unlimited medical expenses ~*

✔ Pre & on-trip cover if you’re diagnosed with COVID-19*

✔ Up to $25,000 luggage cover per adult*

✔ Phone & valuable items cover*

✔ Cancellation & travel disruption (chosen cover)*

✔ Travel delay expenses*#

✔ $5,000 rental car insurance excess

✔  Pet care if your return is delayed#

✔ Special events such as a wedding

✔ Loss of income *#

✔ Personal liability

✔ Pre-existing medical condition cover available

✔ Over 80 leisure & sporting activities#

✔ Motorcycles & mopeds#

+ Plus more 


The PassportCard (Instant funds, no excess)

✔ Overseas medical costs^

✔ Up to $500 for stolen cash^

✔ $250 for delayed luggage^


Optional cover for cruise, winter sports, search & rescue, adventure sports, golf & business*


Basic International

Essential medical cover when travelling overseas


What’s included

✔ Unlimited medical expenses ~*

✔ Pre & on-trip cover if you’re diagnosed with COVID-19*

✔ Pre-existing medical condition cover available

✔ Over 80 leisure & sporting activities#

✔ Motorcycles & mopeds#

+ Plus more 


The PassportCard (Instant funds, no excess)

✔ Overseas medical costs^

✔ Up to $500 for stolen cash^

✔ $250 for delayed luggage^


Optional cover for cruise and winter sports*


Comprehensive Domestic

Explore Australia with our comprehensive cover


What’s included

✔ Up to $10,000 luggage cover per adult*

✔ Pre & on-trip cover if you’re diagnosed with COVID-19*

✔ Cancellation & travel disruption (chosen cover)*

✔ Travel delay expenses*#

✔ $5,000 rental car insurance excess

✔ Special events such as a wedding

✔ Loss of income *#

✔ Personal liability

✔ Pre-existing medical condition cover available

✔ Over 80 leisure & sporting activities#

✔ Motorcycles & mopeds#

+ Plus more 


The PassportCard (Instant funds, no excess)

✔ Up to $500 for stolen cash^

✔ $250 for delayed luggage^


Optional cover for cruise, winter sports, search & rescue, adventure sports, golf & business*

What our customers say about us



    Great compassion and fast emergency payment when needed.”


    Donna C. – Product Review

  • “PassportCard travel insurance has been a game-changer for me!


    One standout feature is their commitment to loading the PassportCard with necessary funds in case of emergencies.

    Their efficient and reliable service makes them my go-to choice for travel insurance every time.”


    Moran B. – Product Review 

  • “Very satisfied with the service and ease of the process.


    Was in the USA and daughter was unwell and had to see a doctor in emergency hospital…. I called Passportcard and whilst I was still on the phone in real time the funds were loaded onto the card.”


    Jim – Product Review

  • “Friendly, efficient and easy to use.


    They were more affordable and covered much more insurance wise than the regular insurers.”


    Teresa – Google 

  • “So easy and love the card so we’re not out of pocket for claims.


    PassportCard were easy to deal with, price was competitive and I love the idea of the card to settle claims instantly.”


    HappyUpsider – Product Review 

  • “Great cover, Caring Supportive Staff and got me to the birthday on time!


    Passport card were calm and put me at ease, confirmed my cover. Offered me hotel accommodation or alternative flights and were able to get a flight direct to Portugal.”


    J Walker – Product Review 

  • “Australia based and dealing with them is a pleasure!


    Their customer service skills are second to none & the advantage of dealing with this company; is they have their own in-house medical team.”


    Jarrod – Google

  • “Great service and great product


    The level of their service is very impressive and the price point is very reasonable.”


    Karen W. – Product Review

How does the PassportCard Instant Funds work?

As long as you’ve packed your PassportCard, you’re ready for when “it” happens. We can provide instant funds for approved common claims, anytime, anywhere*.

Medical issue overseas?

Need a doctor? In pain and not sure what to do? Call or Whatsapp our 24/7 support team and we can direct you to the nearest pharmacy, hospital or doctor.

For approved claims we will load the PassportCard with funds to cover your medical costs.


Luggage delayed?

When your luggage isn’t where you are, it’s hard to begin your holiday. Just call us and we can add up to $250 to the PassportCard to buy emergency essentials.


Cash stolen or lost?

No cash, no holiday! Call us and we can put up to $500 on the PassportCard for you to withdraw from the ATM.

We’re award winning travel insurance

Canstar Awards

2024 Winner Outstanding Value Travel Insurance – Cruise

Mozo Awards

2025 Mozo Experts Choice Awards | Travel Insurance – Exceptional Quality Travel Insurance¹

LMI Awards

LMI Claims Comparison 5 star rating

Mansfield Awards

2024 & 2019 Winner Excellence in Speciality Claims

Australian Insurance Industry Awards

2024 Finalist Claims Team of the Year

Cover your next trip with PassportCard

Get an instant quote today

Check Travel Alerts – they may affect your policy. For emergencies, call (24/7) +61 1800 490 478 or WhatsApp us